
Energy Healing

Working with a {Maxxinated} Energy Healing Client

This morning my energy healing client told me she felt like she was going to drop dead. She had a long term health issue with her stomach and thought the {maxine} was making it worse. When I began I saw thousands of very small cylinder rocket shaped objects around her...
Energy Healing Feedback & The Importance Of Understanding Our Energy System

Energy Healing Feedback & The Importance Of Understanding Our Energy System

In this long article I talk about the importance for healers to learn about the energetic foundation of our physical body, as so many energy healing modalities barely touch upon these details. I provide examples of my own education to explain what type of information is involved in energy healing...
Does Alcohol Affect Energy Healing

Does Alcohol Affect Energy Healing?

I had a distant healing client recently where we had a miscommunication around scheduling because of time zone differences — during the time I performed the session she was at a family event consuming alcohol. As a personal rule I don’t attempt any type of esoteric work if I have...
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