
Energy Healing

Recent Energy Healings: A Dog & Two Humans

Over the past week with my energy healing work, I visited a friend’s dog who was not feeling so well with his digestion, and he’d had a long term condition causing his back legs to become week. I did a session with him and plan to do two more. Sometimes...

Distant Healing: Two Case Studies From Clients

With permission to share these experiences anonymously, here’s information on two recent distant healing sessions I’ve performed, including what I experienced and the feedback from the clients in the days afterwards. Note that I’ve been doing energy healing for about 18 years, with an emphasis on distant sessions because of...

Reiki Level 1 Online Training

Reiki, a Japanese word that translates to spiritual, or sacred, energy, is a method of energy healing developed by Buddhist monk Mikao Usui. Its origins lie in holy writings in India, Sanskrit formulas, and Buddhist sutras. Through a hands on method, universal life force energy (aka ‘source’ energy) travels through...

Healing Eczema & Identifying its Emotional Cause

With my distant healing sessions some clients want a general healing, which helps to ground; stop health issues forming; bring stability to the emotions, feelings and mind; enable clarity; simulate intuition; and nourish the soul. But some clients do have health issues and part of the process of helping them...

QHHT: A Talk About Healing, Higher Self & Past Life Regression

For ten years I’ve been helping people heal and find answers to important questions. I’ve also helped them connect to people who have passed over but with every session I connect them with their higher self, sometimes referred to as god or source. In 2011, Dolores Cannon, a pioneer in...

Energy Healing at an Ayahuasca Ceremony

I suggested to a friend of mine, who had an upcoming ayahuasca session, that I could connect in distantly and do a healing and he agreed. While he was at his peak, last week I did exactly that and here’s my feedback on the experience. It was the first time...

A Sleep Energy Healing Experience

Last night a friend mentioned that her 3 year old would not go to sleep. The toddler had been up for 9 hours, which wasn’t normal for her, and had been cranky most of the day. She’d been trying for an hour and a half. Something was up. I’d never...
Burning Bush, Saint Catherine. Photo by Dale Gillard (CC)

The Removal of Etheric Implants & Walk-Ins in Peru and Egypt

I was conducting a distant house clearing the other day and was surprised to be shown another scene, one relating to my client. An implant was being removed. My client is in the USA. I’ve helped her with distant energy healing and a few house clearings at multiple properties. I’d...

An Example of Intuitive Energy Healing

A distant healing client today had 3 issues for me to focus on, but after starting I was immediately drawn to her back. This is hard to describe in words and if I was an artist it would be so much easier, but I saw this blob like white layer...

Roxy (Dog) and Her Anal Glands | A Healing Experience

Today I had a client with a dog that had anal gland health issues. I first connected in with Roxy, seeing my energy hands on each side. I felt the feeling I needed to help her ground while starting to send healing energy. I moved onto the area in question...
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